Hablo Español! I am bilingual and can work with both Spanish and English speaking families!

Sleep Training Services

Effective + personalized baby sleep solutions that work for you, your baby and your life 

Sleep habits — both good and bad — seep into every aspect of our lives. When you and your baby are well rested, the whole family is healthier and happier. 

Creating a healthy sleep routine now, means manifesting a happier life for the long haul. It’s an investment in a better quality of life overall — for your baby, for your family and for you. 

Sleep Training Services

Effective + personalized baby sleep solutions that work for you, your baby and your life 

Sleep habits — both good and bad — seep into every aspect of our lives. When you and your baby are well rested, the whole family is healthier and happier. 

Creating a healthy sleep routine now, means manifesting a happier life for the long haul. It’s an investment in a better quality of life overall — for your baby, for your family and for you. 

View Sleep Packages

Does your baby…

Only sleep when they are in bed with you?

Catnap during the day?

Awaken frequently throughout the night?

Sleep less than five hours in one stretch at night?

Need to be rocked, patted, or walked to sleep?

Take ages to fall asleep?

Would you like to…

Know which techniques to use for specific sleep problems

Create a routine for your child?

Teach your baby to sleep through the night?

Have more time to yourself during the day?

Establish longer day sleeps with less cat-napping?

Relax and enjoy life more?

Explore My Personalized & Gentle Sleep Training Packages

Newborn Sleep Package

Virtual Infant Sleep Package

In Person Infant Sleep Package

Newborn Sleep Package

Newborn Sleep Package

This newborn sleep package is designed for families eager to establish solid sleep routines for their newborns right from the beginning. This package covers everything from creating routines and schedules to mastering soothing techniques and optimizing feeding strategies.

What's included

Investment: $4,990

Book This Package

  • 12 weeks of unlimited email/text support
  • 1-hour in-person or virtual meeting every week
  • Nursery Evaluation
  • Newborn Schedules
  • Safe Sleep Checklist

Dreamy zZ’s By 12 Weeks

Hear From Families Now Sleeping Well

At 12 weeks old, my daughter would only nurse to sleep, contact nap, and would wake every 30 minutes during the day and every 2 hours at night. She would cry every time I tried to put her in her crib. I was so run down and wanted her to have great sleep but I didn’t believe in “crying it out.” My friend introduced me to Iliana and our lives changed. Iliana has a very special approach and she also takes the time to understand the parents’ wishes, the family schedule, and the baby’s personality. I had so many questions and was skeptical initially, but Iliana was very patient with me and put me at ease. After hiring Iliana and having her stay with us for 48 hours, she taught my daughter (and the parents!) the way to healthy sleep habits. My daughter happily goes into her crib awake and happy, sleeps for 12 hours a night, and has a consistent, healthy nap schedule. Iliana continues to check on my daughter and is responsive when I need advice. She’s helped me update her nap schedule, introduce solids, and even helps our nanny as well as answer other questions. I cannot overstate the impact on all our lives. Iliana is one of a kind.

Jenilee, Matt and Isabella

Hear From Families Now Sleeping Well

We started working with Iliana when our daughter was just under 2 months old. Like many babies of that age, our little bundle of joy didn’t want to sleep in her bassinet. She would only nap in our arms, and we’d spend hours bouncing on a yoga ball to get her to fall asleep. Thankfully, Iliana swooped in with her gentle and thoughtful approach to sleep and rescued us from the yoga ball. After spending one day with our family, she came up with the perfect schedule — and our lives were immediately transformed. Our daughter was sleeping in her room, in her crib in a matter of days. Illiana has been super helpful making tweaks and adjustments to the schedule over time. She even coached us through some challenging holiday travel. Five months later, we’re happy to report that things are going very well. Our daughter sleeps all the way through the night and has great naps throughout the day. What’s even better, is that she’s happy, curious and confident in between her naps. An absolute joy. We couldn’t recommend Iliana more enthusiastically. She’s the real deal!

The Steiger Family

Infant Sleep Training Package

Two Week Transformation

If you are feeling drained due to sleep struggles with your baby, help is on the way! I specialize in addressing common baby sleep challenges such as frequent night wakings, short naps, inconsistent sleep schedules, transitioning away from night feeds, and promoting independent sleep.

Your personalized sleep plan will be crafted specifically for your baby's needs, and you'll receive continuous coaching and text support every step of the way.

For Babies 4-19 months

Virtual Package

In-Person Package

What's included

  • Detailed intake questionnaire
  • 60-minute FaceTime or phone consultation
  • Two weeks of daily analysis and feedback of sleep log
  • Personalized sleep plan with custom schedules and routines for naps and bedtime
  • Electronic sleep log easily accessible via phone or computer
  • Two weeks of unlimited text and email support

Investment: $950

Book Now

Virtual Package

In-Person Package

What's included

  • Detailed intake questionnaire
  • 60-minute FaceTime or phone consultation
  • Two weeks of daily analysis and feedback of sleep log
  • Personalized sleep plan with custom schedules and routines for naps and bedtime
  • Electronic sleep log easily accessible via phone or computer
  • 48 of in-person support 
  • Two weeks of unlimited text and email support

Starts at $3,550

Book Now

Not sure what plan is best?

Let's talk about your family goals and how I can help you and your family get the sleep that you need.  

Schedule A Call

We start with a conversation about your child’s sleep challenges. During this call, we'll discuss your specific needs and how our services can help.

Based on our discussion, you’ll select the sleep package that best suits your family’s needs. Each package is designed to address different levels of support and guidance.

You’ll complete a comprehensive questionnaire that covers your child’s personality, schedule, feeding habits, family philosophy, and lifestyle. I'll then create a customized sleep plan, which you’ll receive within 48 hours.

I’ll be with you every step of the way, offering support, coaching, and making any necessary adjustments. Once your child’s sleep has improved, we’ll conclude with a final 30-minute call to review our progress and celebrate your success.

Ready to Get Started?

Get started by signing up for a package below.

Hear From Families Now Sleeping Well

In addition to delivering us the results we had been praying for regarding some consistency and routine, what we value most about Iliana is her true compassion and desire to help. She is not in it for the money and uses her gift to bless others. Money is her last priority and, because of that, her genuine empathy shines through. After several other interviews — and one horrible “cry it out” experience with another sleep specialist —  Iliana made me feel comfortable with her confidence in her program. She dealt with my stressed-out self with patience and grace. We simply cannot say enough great things about her.

Zegers Family

Hear From Families Now Sleeping Well

I remember the first day we met I broke down into uncontrollable tears and she rearranged her schedule, gave me a big hug and said she was going to help fix things. That’s exactly what she did and immediately I felt an overwhelming sense of relief. It’s so hard to narrow down the best part of working with Iliana, but she gave me my sanity back! She also makes herself available to her clients almost 24/7. If she sees a late night or early morning text she always responds and it made me feel less alone and more confident in what I was doing. She’s also incredibly calm and knowledgeable and you can tell she loves children and loves what she does.

Megan Ross